Literary Tourist City Guides

Photo Credit: Chris Wood           Wonder if this streetcar is named desire?[dropcap]Some[/dropcap] years ago Poets and Writers started running a great series of articles detailing literary life in cities throughout the United States. Specifically, "they asked  those in the literary community—authors, booksellers, publishers, editors, and the like—to take us on a tour of their city of residence: to the places they go to connect with writers of the past, to the bars and cafés where today’s authors give readings, and to those sites that are most inspiring for writing."This of course describes very well the plight of the literary tourist. Although some of the articles date back to 2011, and thus may be slightly out of date, for the most part these pieces serve as terrific literary 'City Guides.' The inside scoop from those in the know.I plan to visit San Francisco soon and so am particularly interested in reading this. Here's a link to the whole series. I've already lined up an interview with Andrew Hoyem, typographer, letterpress printer, publisher, poet, and founder of Arion Press, for my Biblio File podcast. Also plan to talk to someone at The Book Club of California, and am working on Dave Eggers, publisher at McSweeney's.Judging from their tourism webside alone, San Francisco is one happening town. Should be a blast!


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